Mathematics Department


    Teachers:   Mrs. Goodwill & Mr. Cuthbert

    Please use the links above to access teacher webpages to find course syllabus, required texts, rules/expectations, grading policies and other helpful resources.

    The mathematics department is dedicated to providing students with a challenging curriculum that will build student skills in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

    Department Goals
    1. Provide students with problem solving skills that can be applied to real world situations.
    2. Continue to improve NYS Testing scores in Mathematics at the Grades 3 -8 level and Regents Exams.

    Mathematics Pre-Requisites 

    The link above lists pre-requisites needed for enrollment in Algebra A/B, Integrated Algebra, Basic Geometry, Geometry, and Math 3. If you have any concerns about your child's progress and/or placement in a course please contact the student's current teacher or guidance counselor.
Last Modified on November 3, 2023