Adding an Audio Background to PowerPoint

Posted by Andy Wheelock on 5/3/2019

PowerPoint has truly become a multimedia gem over the years, going from a presentation tool to a full-on multimedia Power-HOUSE.  In the past, PowerPoint has let you add background music to your presentations, but it never seemed very intuitive.  Recently however, PowerPoint has added some quick and easy functionality to set up music. 

*IMPORTANT NOTE*  Taking commercially available music and using it for backgrounds has Intellectual Property concerns that must be followed.  

One of my favorite Royalty Free places to get music is Kevin MacLeod's  Just make sure you cite him!  He provides the citation for easy copy and pasting. 

Anyway, once you have the music you want for your background saved to your computer, follow these two steps.  

1.  Insert the Music.  Insert--->Audio---> From my PC

2.  Right click on the Speaker Icon that gets placed in your PowerPoint.   Choose ---> Style Option

Select Style

3.  Select Play in Background

Select Play in Background


That's it!  You have your music embedded in your PowerPoint as background music.  

If you want more ideas or other Audio options, check out my video tutorial HERE or watch video below