- Pine Valley Central School
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Directions to Pine Valley Central School
FROM NORTH (Approximate driving time to Pine Valley from Buffalo is 1 hour)
- NY State Thruway I-90 to Exit 58 (Silver Creek)
- Take Route 20 West
- Go to first traffic light and take left (Chautauqua County Route 95)
- Go to end of road . . . a "T" . . .turn left (Chautauqua County Route 93)
- Stay on this road through Smith Mills; will come to a red caution light at intersection of Route 39. Go straight through
Follow signs for Cherry Creek . . . about 5 miles the sign will point to right (y) . . . go to "T" and take a right (Chautauqua County Route 91 South)
- Go .1 mile and take a left
- At red caution light in Balcom Corner, go straight (Route 83 South) for approximately 2 miles
- Pine Valley Schools are on the right (high school is first building; elementary school is second building).
FROM WEST (Approximate driving time to PV from Fredonia is 30 minutes)
- NY State Thruway I-90 to Exit 59 (Dunkirk/Fredonia)
- Take Route 60 South
- Take Route 83 South
- At yellow caution light in Balcom Corner, turn right (still Route 83 South) for approximately 2 miles
- Pine Valley Schools are on the right (high school is first building; elementary school is second building)
FROM EAST (Approximate driving time to Pine Valley from the School House Road exit is 30 minutes)
- I-86 (formerly Route 17 Southern Tier Expressway) to School House Road Exit.
- Turn right off of exit towards Route 394.
At Route 394, turn left (West). You will travel a short distance and go over a bridge that is over railroad tracks. Just after crossing the bridge, turn right onto Waterboro Hill Road. This road will veer to the right at the bottom of a hill and then left.
You will come to an intersection – keep driving straight through, and you are now on Route 62 North.
Stay on Route 62 North into Conewango Valley.
In Conewango Valley, you will come to the junction of Rt. 83 North.
Stay on Route 83 through Cherry Creek.
After exiting Cherry Creek, you will travel approximately 3 miles
Pine Valley Schools are on the left (elementary school is first building, Jr./Sr. high school is second building)
FROM SOUTH (Approximate driving time to Pine Valley from Jamestown is 45 minutes)
- Route 394 East
Turn left onto Waterboro Hill Road. This road will veer to the right at the bottom of a hill and then left.
You will come to an intersection – keep driving straight through, and you are now on Route 62 North.
Stay on Route 62 North into Conewango Valley.
In Conewango Valley, you will come to the junction of Route 83 North.
Stay on Route 83 through Cherry Creek.
After exiting Cherry Creek, you will travel approximately 3 milesPine Valley Schools are on the left. Elementary is first building, Jr./Sr. high school is second building.