- Pine Valley Central School
- Class Photos
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Class Photos
If you have been in the high school recently, perhaps you have noticed that we have a photo gallery of composites of each graduating class displayed in the foyer outside of the auditorium. Many of our classes are not represented. Some are missing and composites were never made for others. If you have a class composite picture you can give to the school to add to our gallery, it would be sincerely appreciated.Following are the years that we do NOT have:
1956 1968 1975 1984 1991 2000
1957 1969 1977 1985 1992 2001
1958 1970 1978 1986 1993 20021959 1971 1980 1987 1994 20031972 1981 1988 1995 20051961 1973 1982 1989 1996 2006
1962 1974 1983 1990 1997It will cost approximately $200 for each missing year to have a class composite prepared. If former graduates/classes are interested in funding this endeavor, please contact the District Superintendent at 988-3293, ext. 3399.