To apply, use forms below:

Immediate Openings

Immediate Openings

Continuous Openings


    For 2024-2025, the recruiter and successful applicant will receive $200 each within a reasonable time of when the applicant is approved for employment by the Board of Education, and if the new employee successfully completes a full calendar year of employment, both the recruiter and the new employee will receive $800 each within a reasonable time of the year-long period.  Neither payment will be included as part of the employees’ base pay and both are considered one-time payments.

    **The recruiter must provide the District Clerk with a written recommendation for employment of the applicant, stating that they are recruiting the applicant.  Furthermore, the applicant must clearly state in a letter to the District Clerk that they have been recruited by the district employee, for this position.** 

    All positions eligible for a recruitment incentive/bonus will be marked as such.

Last Modified on December 17, 2024