- Pine Valley Central School
- Play, Learn, Grow Blog
Lindquist, Alicia (4PK)
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New Beginnings
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 9/29/2022Making new friends is so much fun! Most of our first week's of school focus on getting to know each other and how we build a classroom community. How we play and work together has a direct effect on our learning. We are off to a great year in pre-K!
Love is in the Air
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 2/15/2022I absolutely LOVE February! It's the time of year in the classroom where everything is just... lovely. The first half of Pre-K is spent building the classroom community , making friends, and working on foundational skills. Now, we know what it is to be a good member of our classroom and have also grown as individuals. Our personalities, creativity and imagination are exploding! I can see them as Kindergarteners and we still have a few more months of school full of growing, playing, and learning.
We Found Christmas
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 12/15/2021 9:00:00 AMThe holidays are here! This year the school is doing a door contest. As a class, we went over a lot of ideas and decided on a recycled materials Christmas tree. We collected many items from our classroom and school. We used soda and water bottles, paper bags, applesauce cups, plastic spoons, Lays potato chip bags, and scrap paper. Then we got started with crafting, painting, glueing, and glittering. We hope you "find" joy looking at our festive recycled tree!
Gingerbread Village
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 12/15/2021 1:00:00 AMFor the past 5 weeks, we have studied buildings. We have discussed different kinds of buildings, what they are used for, how to build, and what materials are used for building. Throughout our study, we created artistic and 3d buildings. As we ended our study and moved into celebrating the holidays, it only made sense to create a gingerbread village. Everyone made their own houseand we crafted roads, parking lots, and lightposts. We added cars, trucks, trees, and ourselves. We also included real photos of buildings we wanted in our community like a McDonald's! Our village is sweet!
Thank you to all of our families who made this activity possible!
Oh the Places You'll Go!!
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 6/12/2019 2:00:00 AMWho's ready? Kindergarten here we come! This year has been filled with so much growth. Each one came in a little unsure and now are leaving for Kindergarten with confidence.We are socially ready: knowing when to talk and when it's the teacher's turn; how to sit and focus during learning times; how to listen and follow directions; how to share with others; how to treat others and our space with respect.We are physically ready: we have all grown a few inches and have better control of our bodies. We are cognitively ready: we know our ABC's, how to count to 10, how to listen and respond to stories; how to add and subtract; and so much more. We are emotionally ready: we don't fret when Mom's and Dad's are not near by or the day seems long. Am I ready? These 19 students have been my everyday for 173 days. I have a memory for each one and a place in my heart. But I am ready to see where their journey will take them as long as they come back to visit!
Kings, Queens, and Castles
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 3/8/2019 2:00:00 AMIn our small group library time, we learned about castles of the world. We used vocabulary like moat, tower, fortress, fortified, keep, and dungeon. And used Versailles, Windsor, Neuschwanstein, and Castle de Haar as inspiration for our own castle building. We were architects like Julia Morgan, who designed Hearst Castle in California. During each group's presentation, it was apparent that they put a lot of thought into the building of their castle. Here are a few of the groups with their castle.
Where Did February Go?
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 3/8/2019 2:00:00 AMIn a blink February is behind us and March is here! Somewhere in February we celebrated 100 days in school! Wow. So many changes have happened since the first day of school and we are well on our way to being Kindergarteners!
Next week is conferences (March 13th). Look out for the conference sheet to come home. See you soon!
Holly Jolly
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 1/8/2019 2:00:00 AMWhat a busy December! Visits with Santa, Polar Express rides in pajamas, caroling though the school delivering our homemade treats, making gingerbread houses, and so much more.
Thank you, families, for your support in helping us do what we do :)
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 12/4/2018 2:00:00 AMIt's here! Snow! Play and exploration is important to our development and it's fun!
Now that the cold and snow are here please make sure your child is prepared. Hats, mittens, boots, coats, and snow pants are needed to be able to play outside safely. Extras may be stored in school lockers so that they are always available.
Let it snow!
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Posted by Alicia Lindquist on 11/8/2018 2:00:00 PMNovember we talk about bears, being thankful, and Native Americans. We'll start off with a series by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman. Some of the titles include Bear Snores On and Bear Wants More. We will then read non-fiction material to find out about bears: what they eat, where they live, what kinds, and what bears hibernate.
In our small group library time, we are watching a Smithsonian video series on Native American storytelling. We'll read Chief Jake Swamp's story, Giving Thanks.
Our bulletin board art is still following our study of shapes. First we made Circle Pumpkin, next Square Bear, and now Triangle Turkey. All these pieces use a variety of art mediums and multiple shapes to learn our shapes!
Happy Fall!