
     Picture of the Constitution next to an American Flag

    11th Grade AP US History
    Course Description:  

    The AP U.S. History course focuses on the development of disciplinary practices and reasoning skills and an understanding of content organized around seven themes:

    1. American and National Identity
    2. Politics and Power
    3. Work, Exchange, and Technology
    4. Culture and Society
    5. Migration and Settlement
    6. Geography and the Environment
    7. America in the World

    The course is divided into nine chronological periods (some units overlap chronologically due to the different concepts covered in each unit):

    1. 1491-1607
    2. 1607-1754
    3. 1754-1800
    4. 1800-1848
    5. 1844-1877
    6. 1865-1898
    7. 1890-1945
    8. 1945-1980
    9. 1980-present

    This course will prepare students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon students equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. This course's goal is to get students to achieve college credits by receiving a passing score on May's APUS History exam. In addition, this will also prepare students to take June's US History Regents exam as well.

    Grading Policy/Explanation: All assignments (assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, etc.) will be graded based on a points system. There is no weighted system/categories for different types of assignments.

Last Modified on September 2, 2021