- Pine Valley Central School
- Attendance
The District believes that classroom participation is related to and affects a student’s performance and grasp of the subject matter and, as such, is properly reflected in a student’s final grade. Therefore, students are expected to be in class and prepared to work. Any student with more than 28 absences in a full-year course, 14 in a half-year course, 7 in a half-year, every-other-day course may not receive credit for the course. At the High School, a student must be in class for half the class period, currently 20 minutes to receive credit for attendance. Students who are absent from class regardless of the reason are to arrange with their teachers to make up any work missed in a timely manner as determined by the student’s teacher. Notices will be sent home for those students with excessive absences and a meeting with the building principal will be set up for those who have lost credit for half of the allowed absences. Once a student has missed the maximum absences notification of loss of credit will be mailed home and the respective teachers will be notified to not enter grades for said student. The student is required, however, to continue to attend class. If a student is absent, a parent/guardian must notify the attendance monitor via telephone and state the reason for absence. State law requires a written note with the appropriate dates and reasons for absence sent on the first day student returns to school. If the note is not returned within three school days the absence will be recorded as unexcused. State attendance registers define excused absences as follows: personal illness, sickness or death in the family, religious observance, quarantine, doctor and dental appointments, approved college visits, military obligations, and alternate instruction. Unexcused absences or tardiness will be assigned penalties in accordance with the school’s code of conduct. Both excused and unexcused absences count towards loss of credit.
Attendance Works provides resources to educators, parents and communities to help combat chronic absenteeism. It's mission is to advance student success and help close equity gaps by reducing absences.
To help students in Pine Valley, Attendance Works has provided the District with the following resources. More resources can also be found on their website, https://www.attendanceworks.org/