• ASVAB Career Exploration Program

    Wednesday, January 10, 2024

    At Pine Valley High School

    We are excited to announce that Pine Valley will be offering the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) to our students each year. We are administering this test to all Sophomores. The students will not be attending their regular classes on this half-day of school and their teachers have already been informed.

    We will be presenting more information about the ASVAB CEP to students during a meeting in school. We have booklets with more information and sample questions to familiarize them with the test. Students do not need to study for the test, just get a good night’s rest and a good breakfast. After the results are back, students will be participating in a career workshop that will help them begin to connect their current skills with future college and career plans.

    The ASVAB, the world’s most widely used aptitude battery, is comprised of eight subtests that yield three Career Exploration Scores (Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science/Technical Skills). These three scores, combined with the results of an interest inventory, will assist your child when exploring a wide variety of educational and career options. No one “passes” or “fails” the test because the results represent how well they have developed academic and occupational skills, in addition to their capacity to learn a particular type of work or potential for general training.

    There is a misconception that the ASVAB is only for those planning to join the military. The military does use one of the scores from the test for entrance purposes, but the full test is valuable to anyone for career exploration purposes. Student scores will not be released to the military unless the student or parent chooses to share them.

    Our goal at Pine Valley is to provide quality career planning resources, such as the ASVAB CEP. When students are able to connect their present education to their future plans, they select more classes based on future plans, participate in more career exploration activities, and see more relevance for the need to get a good education and take the next steps for a satisfying career. As a parent, your experiences in the world of work make you a valuable resource. We encourage you to talk with your child about their career options and plans beyond high school.

    To learn more about this program, please take a look at the attachment below or go online, www.asvabprogram.com and visit the “Enter as a Parent” page. If you have any questions regarding the ASVAB CEP or any aspect of this activity, please feel free to contact your School Counseling Office at 988-3276 ext. 4334.

    Remember that with your test results, you have access to their website for a whole year to explore careers in depth. This is a great tool when you are trying to EXPLORE possible careers and educational programs to pursue after high school.
    Go to the website at: www.asvabprogram.com and enter your Access Code from your ASVAB summary report. If you lost your report, you can always ask your School Counselor for your code. 


Last Modified on August 28, 2023